Join The Private Medical Practice Academy


podcast Apr 15, 2021

You’ve scheduled your first patient.  But that's only the first step in getting them  to that first visit. You need a new patient packet. 

The new patient packet has two purposes:

  • To collect information from the patient
  • To provide information to the patient

There are several ways in which your patient can access the new patient packet:

  • Through your EMR's patient portal
  • On your website
  • On your Facebook business page
  • A physical, printed folder

What goes in the new patient packet?

  • Information you get from the patient
    •  Registration form
    • Insurance information
    • Patient questionnaire and history intake form
    •  Medical records release form on file
    • Release of information form
  • Information you give to the patient
    • A comprehensive financial policy statement
    • Credit card on file policy  
    • HIPAA policy statement
    • Controlled substance agreement 
    • Patient responsibilities form
    • Brochure with a practice overview and provider bio(s)
    • Educational materials
    • Directions to your office

The two key takeaways from this episode are that a professional, comprehensive new patient packet will help

  1. You and your practice make a great first impression
  2. Improve your practice’s workflow

Join my FB group, The Private Medical Practice Academy to be part of a community interested in starting, running and growing their private medical practices and leveraging them into multiple revenue streams.

If you'd like to hear more tips on how to start, run and grow your practice and related medical businesses, please sign up for my newsletterat   

For a complete list of Episodes visit THE PRACTICE BUILDING MD PODCAST.


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